join us as we minister God's Gospel to our little corner of the world.
Each one of us has been given a gift that we are commanded to use for
the furtherance of the Gospel. Some of us are called to be helpers, some are to
encourage others, some are called to be preachers, some are evangelists,
and even some are called to give the ultimate, their lives. We believe
that we are the preachers, but doing it in a different way than giving a
message by word only as a pastor would. We give the same message through music. Music goes
into the inner parts and stirs the soul. Music is a healing force, not only for others, but for us also, even when we don't feel like doing it.
We started this ministry in 1991 and have been anywhere from a sextet to
a duet depending on how members come and go. Our first gig was singing
on the flight deck of the USS Ranger. We have done picnics, potlucks,
church building dedications, conventions, Revivals, toured in many different locations, in many different venues and
places since that day almost thirty years ago. Through the years God
has been good to us and had us minister to just the right people at just
the right time.
For booking information give us a call at 619-890-8805 or email us at
Go through this site and enjoy!